Three HousesThree Houses

Sublime Creator Sword

Exalted Sword of the Creator. Byleth alone can wield it. Enables Sublime Heaven.


Game Data

Sublime Creator Sword costs 3x Umbral Steel and 3750g to repair.



You can obtain the Sublime Creator Sword in the following ways.

  • Byleth's inventory after defeating Kronya in Chapter 10


The personal sword of Byleth, the Sublime Creator Sword is extremely powerful. You should not avoid using it as Umbral Steel is very common if you are consistently breaking Monsters. Due to its 1-2 range, it is effective to have Byleth master Mercenary and Warrior to use the Vantage/Wrath combo and quickly wipe out groups of enemies. Don't give this sword to anyone besides Byleth though, as it will gain +10 Wt as well as lose its 2 range capability, becoming a glorified Broken/Rusted Sword.

Three HousesThree Houses